May is Portland Bike Month! Register for the Bike More Challenge!

May is Portland Bike Month which means it is already time for our second Bike More Challenge! This annual contest sponsored by the Street Trust runs from May 1-31 and is intended as a fun way to increase bike ridership. You can register here, join the Green Electronics Council team, log your trips (there’s even an app so you don’t have to sign in every day), and contribute to GEC’s bike stats for GLORY! They’ll even enter you to win cool bike-related prizes for each trip you log. If you participated last year, your information is already saved and you can begin logging miles starting May 1st with no need to re-register. Check out their FAQs here for more info.

In addition to the Bike More Challenge there will be a lot of biking events throughout the month put on by the Portland Bureau of Transportation. You can find a list of other events here. My personal favorite is every person who bikes to a Multnomah County Library branch will receive a free bike light throughout the month. Biking is a great way to experience the city and a free, sustainable mode of transportation. Did I mention its a great way to exercise!

Hope to see you out there! Happy Riding!


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